Wednesday, December 3, 2008

After Cancer: New Endo Makes Me Wonder

My depression had dissolved a lot since the dosage increase, but my mood never completely got back to normal; not the normal that I was accustomed too, prior to the first thyroid surgery. So much had changed within me, that at times, I did not recognize myself. The ability to deal with stress had been almost completely stripped away. I now become irritated at the slightest thing. My body also cannot deal with extreme temperatures.. be they hot or cold tempuratures. If it is too hot, I will feel over heated and almost unable to catch my breath. If it is too cold, my hands and feet will literally freeze, leaving me shivering and feeling sick.

I walked into his office and took a seat. A few minutes later, the figure of an older short man walked into the office and sat down on the other side of the large wooden desk. He said hello, I´m doctor____, and then proceeded to go through the folder of papers that my family physician had faxed to him.

He asked what had brought me to him, and so I told him. Starting from the original 25mg cytomel experience, to the depression, to the irritability, to the disagreement with the other endo, to what I felt would resolve my depression.

I told him that I believed that cytomel would cure my depression.. that the T4 increase had helped a lot, but that it hadn´t completely brought me back to the way I should be feeling.

He refused to prescribe cytomel, but agreed that I continued taking the same upped dosage of synthroid. I couldn´t understand why he refused to prescribe the cytomel and keep me on a lower dosage synthroid, but at least he agreed to keep me on the higher dose of T4, which was better than nothing.

He went into his doctor explanation of why he felt that cytomel wasn´t a proper medication that I should be on, and then he said something that completely floored me. His thrown-in little sentence made me think and wonder about people suffering all over the world from clinical depression who really might have a thyroid problem which doctors and their tests are unable to detect.

He said that some psyciatrists are experimenting with a small dose cytomel to treat some patients for depression. HA?? so he agreed with me, while disagreeing with me.. MAKES ME WONDER!!

1 comment:

Paul Eilers said...

I have never had to deal with depression, so I cannot relate to your current situation.

However, I do hope that you find a good median with your medication, and somehow your situation with your doctor improves.